How It Works

Predictive Coach uses automation to interpret existing telematics data that you’re already paying for to monitor and act on poor driving detected by the Geotab device.

Easy integration with Geotab

Predictive Coach evaluates the Geotab data and automatically assigns behavior specific training directly to the specific driver, without management engagement. The driver can easily complete the training on any device.
How it works w Corroections

Driver Behavior

  • Speeding
  • Harsh Braking
  • Hard Accelerating
  • Harsh Cornering
  • Seat Belt

Behaviors are processed In Real Time.
Training is assigned to drivers based on rule exceptions.


Courses may be taken on any device.


Manager dashboard shows course enrollments and past due courses.

Features & Benefits

Are you fully utilizing the driver behavior data from your Geotab telematics solution, or missing critical insights?

How are you ensuring your fleet stays safe and efficient?

Acting on this data is essential to correct driving habits before they become costly.  

Predictive Coach’s “behavior-based” automated driver training solution reduces unsafe speeding behavior by 74% and hard braking/cornering by more than 50%. 

With time, logistics, and documentation as barriers, how is management ensuring timely and effective driver interventions?

What strategies are in place to support your drivers when they need it most?

Delayed or inadequate action can be costly. 

Predictive Coach’s training courses are fast, simple and can be taken on any device.  Sometimes, however, reminders are needed to keep good driving habits in the long run.  Predictive Coach also provides environmental cues for your drivers to support their safe driving habit changes for the long haul.   

Is your organization consistent in managing driver behavior across all departments and regions, or are there gaps putting your fleet at risk?

How are you ensuring a uniformed approach company-wide?

Inconsistency can lead to varied safety standards and missed improvements.  

Predictive Coach’s training is triggered by a driver breaking your pre-set rules.  You can be assured that your driver’s unsafe behavior is addressed immediately and consistently regardless of who is driving.   

Are you fully utilizing the driver behavior data from your Geotab telematics solution, or missing critical insights?

How are you ensuring your fleet stays safe and efficient?

Acting on this data is essential to correct driving habits before they become costly.  

Predictive Coach’s “behavior-based” automated driver training solution reduces unsafe speeding behavior by 74% and hard braking/cornering by more than 50%. 

With time, logistics, and documentation as barriers, how is management ensuring timely and effective driver interventions?

What strategies are in place to support your drivers when they need it most?

Delayed or inadequate action can be costly. 

Predictive Coach’s training courses are fast, simple and can be taken on any device.  Sometimes, however, reminders are needed to keep good driving habits in the long run.  Predictive Coach also provides environmental cues for your drivers to support their safe driving habit changes for the long haul.   

Is your organization consistent in managing driver behavior across all departments and regions, or are there gaps putting your fleet at risk?

How are you ensuring a uniformed approach company-wide?

Inconsistency can lead to varied safety standards and missed improvements.  

Predictive Coach’s training is triggered by a driver breaking your pre-set rules.  You can be assured that your driver’s unsafe behavior is addressed immediately and consistently regardless of who is driving.   

Group 15965

The Hawthorne Effect

Does being “observed” or “monitored” change one’s behavior? It’s certainly possibleEven the suggestion that behavior is being observed can cause an immediate change of behavior.  With the advent of technology, telematics and camera solutions, more and more drivers are becoming aware that their behaviors are being monitoredPredictive Coach provides immediate consequences when unsafe driving behaviors trigger trainingThus, your drivers are reminded that your organization cares about safe driving for them and the other drivers around them.   

Group 15966

Visual Cues

Changing unsafe driving behavior to safe driving behavior starts with training but remains consistent with reinforcementPredictive Coach includes in its training program simple environmental cues that work to remind drivers of safe driving practicesDuring the onboarding process, you will receive various tools from Coach Max to help reinforce driver behavior changeYour drivers will have consistent visual reminders to drive safely and arrive home at each day’s end.